Select Harvest Model and Year

Harvest model help

There are nine harvest options available in the calculator. This tab lets you select from a pick-list which harvest model to use in your calculations.

Each harvest model targeted a specific harvested board foot volume for each owner classes in each time period. The Average, Conservative, and Aggressive Harvest models are based on projecting forward historical harvest data from DNR harvest reports. The six forest health models use the Average Harvest model for all non-Federal owners, and increased harvest targets for Federal owners. The graph shows harvest volume by owner class across time under the different harvest scenarios.

Harvest Model

About this harvest

Conservative Statewide Harvest

The Conservative Harvest model is based on projecting forward historical harvest data from DNR harvest reports. This model produces harvest levels slightly above 2 billion board feet (BBF) annually from 2015 through 2030. This model constrains merchantable timber production to levels observed in today's low markets, due mainly to the most current economic recession.

Planning period

Planning period help

Select a planning period to calculate biomass. Planning periods are in 5 year increments. The 2010 planning period is based on historical trends. The 2015-2030 periods are projections based on harvest levels described on the Harvest Model tab.

5 year period ending:
2005 to 2010 planning period selcted

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