Results help
This tab displays your results when you click the Run button.
The results table, depending on the options you selected, may include any of the following columns: CountyID, FacilityID, OwnerClass, SVAID, TimbershedID,
or WRIANumber. These are the ID numbers for the Counties, Facilities, Owner Classes, Stumpage Value Areas, Timbersheds, and WRIAs respectively.
The Download Lookup Tables link in the upper right corner of the tab will take you to a page where you can view and download tables for what these ID numbers mean.
If the No biomass is available using the current geographic, harvest and economic assumptions warning appears then the combination of
harvest, geography, facilities, costs and prices does not produce any economically viable biomass. Most often this is associated with too high of a cost or too low of a
price. However, if Spokane County were selected as the Geography and the facility in Hoquiam were chosen then no price evaluated would yield market biomass as both
the cost and travel time are outside of the analysis maximums.